BLEAK HOUSE now available on Amazon!
Six years in the making, my new, illustrated edition of Charles Dickens's epic BLEAK HOUSE is now available on Amazon, 650 pages, 40 illustrations, 6"x9", paperback, $30.
Begun in Spring 2019, with illustrations done entirely in linoleum cuts, BLEAK HOUSE is an epic story of an amoral justice system, the Court of Chancery, and the damage it does across all classes of society in Victorian England.
Mooney's Modules - THE BOOK!
I created these cartoons for Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine back in Ye 20th Centurie and I still get calls for reprints! I pitched the whole set as a novelty book idea, with oversize pages that could be hung as posters. It didn't sell! You may have seen some of these but some are still pretty funny!
The Gravity Poster
The near-legendary Gravity Poster! Need I say more? Over 5,000 sold. Makes a great gift for lawyers, science teachers, pilots and students!
A selection of my CG and hand drawn animations including Martini Bombini O'Feeney Moonay, Sexy Texie, Cicak, and others.
Sister Mary Dracula
Read sample pages from the graphic novel at Sister Mary Dracula!
And just when you thought bullying, abuse, agony, misery and torment couldn't get any funnier: Sister Mary Dracula: One Bad Habit! Read the archive of Sister Mary Dracula strips on Facebook!
Goo and Roo
A comic strip about two angels who get booted out of heaven, Goo, the cockeyed optimist, and Roo, the disagreeable curmudgeon. God decides they need a little field work on Earth to toughen them up!